For the life of me I couldn't understand how a basic sample application in Qt could fail to run, everything else was great - just not the minibrowser sample.
I was getting the error -
Starting C:\Qt\Examples\QtWebView\1.1\webview\build-minibrowser-Desktop_Qt_5_5_1_MSVC2010_32bit-Release\release\minibrowser.exe...
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/main.qml:44 module "QtWebView" is not installed
- when running the built sample.
After much grumbling and searching (I didn't find anything helpful on the inter-tubes which was really surprising) - I found that the main.qml file was referencing the following:
import QtWebView 1.0
I found that if I changed this to:
import QtWebKit 3.0
It would run properly (I presume.)
This may be sidestepping the actual issue, but this appears to have fixed this sample for me.
This version was the one I found in the plugins.qmltypes in the qml import path. Perhaps I had not configured an import path properly when installing Qt - it's possible this is entirely my fault; however, if it is not, hopefully this will help someone.