Wednesday, January 30, 2008

We got mudified...

Mein Rich undt mein self got muddy this past weekend. Rich got very slightly muddy. I got 'dug yourself out of your own grave' muddy. The best part was that I was fairly clean until we were coming back to the main parking area on the main trail and I went down a steep, muddy, slippery hill and at the bottom was a virtual bog o' mud. It was one of those mud bogs that makes you think "Damn, I'd sure hate to fall into that."

I make it down the slippery hill, and I need to explain that I'm tired by this point as the riding we were doing is very technical (tight trails, steep downslopes with large rocks, big slippery power hill climbs - but fun), I hit the bog knowing that I need to power through; unfortunately my front tire was in one underwater rut, and my back tire went into a different underwater rut and my back end threw out left. This had the interesting effect of catapulting me to the right and a bit over my handlebars and BLAM did I hit that mud with a spectacular splash. Rich tells me it was impressive from his vantage point.

Anyhow, here's a few pics that don't really do the mud justice (especially on the bike.) It took me hours to wash that thing off.


  1. Guess your new stuff doesnt look so new anymore. :)

  2. I look less 'poser-fied' than previously. Now I only look totally noobish when actually riding the bike...
