Monday, February 16, 2009

Annoying issue with Eclipse...

...for some reason you can't really export/import your preferences between installations of Ganymede (a version of the Eclipse IDE), and I've been using it on several machines lately and having to set all kinds of crap up to be the same manually. This wouldn't be much of an issue except that the options are spread out rather willy-nilly in the application (although that is likely a residual of the very plugin based architecture.) So, I finally tracked down where the most annoying options for me to setup are located - syntax coloring for Java (your annoyances will likely differ :).)

After looking all over the place for them, I finally found them stored with each work space, not as settings for the application itself - weird (to me...)

Anyhow, for syntax coloring there are two files you want to copy into your workspace's folder in order to equate them to those in another folder, the folder in question being:

<Your Workspace>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\



  1. This would be better if it had a picture.

  2. Of the annoyance on my face or a beatiful composition of one explorer window juxtaposed with the other?
