Monday, January 11, 2010

Lemonade Fast - Day #2

Hmmm... I am caught in two minds right now. Part of me already detests this 'drink' (I'm being charitable when using the term drink, I assure you) but the other part of me acknowledges that I feel cleaner already and I haven't had any of the usual headaches associated with fasting (probably due to the pure carbohydrates represented by the maple syrup.) You'd think that maple syrups taste pretty much the same but the 32 ounce bottle received yesterday tastes pretty vile compared to the one I had on day one. Anywho...

I can report that, after playing indoor soccer last night, I've already dropped 4 pounds, but I expect that to be it for a while. Jake, who is much lighter than me, reports having lost 5 pounds already. I should also relay that the second partaking of the 'salt water flush' was incredibly, uh... 'successful'? Yeah, it worked. 15 minutes after drinking it (I made it a bit more salty this morning) I found myself thanking God that our house has 6 bathrooms in it (the first time ever for that, lol.) 7 trips later over the course of an hour and a half and I'm sure I'm even lighter as we speak ;).

Hunger was pretty strong yesterday, especially around lunchtime, but I slept really well last night and I did not wake up hungry at all. I don't usually eat breakfast in any case so perhaps my body is saving the starvation feelings for later; however, it is already 3:30PM and I've had 3 glasses of the gunk so far and I'm not hungry at all. I have heard that tomorrow and the next day are the worst though.

I should admit that after drinking all that 'lemonade' yesterday I was actually looking forward to the herbal tea and it didn't disappoint. I felt like a little old granny lying back and really REALLY enjoying a cup of herbal tea with no sweeteners in it. Heh.

I need to try working out today as I got in some decent cardio yesterday, let's try weights today. More to post tomorrow!

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